The activity of guide : a REAL profession recognized by a state diploma
All of us are holders of a diploma of National Guide-interpreter or Regional Guide-interpreter. You will find below the awarding conditions.
The exercise of the activity of Guide-interpreter is regulated by the law n°92-645 of 13 July 1992. The decree n° 94-490 of 15 June 1994 (Title V - art. 85 to 94) clarifies the condition of exercise of the profession.
National Guide-interpreters must fulfil exams set by universities
approved by Ministry of Higher Education.
Regional Guide-interpreter
must pass an exam at regional level organised by the local Préfecture.
At the conclusion of the exams, a professional identification card and a badge are issued to them by the Préfecture of their region of residence. Obtaining one of these diplomas marks successfully a standard of minimum general knowledge, the mastery of one or several foreign language(s), as well as the acquisition of specific techniques, called “guiding techniques”.
The holder of a professional card of National or Regional Guide-interpreter, from that moment becomes involved in a process of permanent deepening of his/her knowledge and abilities thanks to his/her personal experiences and studies, thanks to vocational course, in particular these proposed by the professional organizations of the branch, or by the organisms supervising the members of the liberal professions.
Wearing this badge is compulsory in museums and historical monuments. Guide-interpreters can be identified thanks to their badge. You are entitled to make sure law is respected by your guide asking for his/her professional card or his/her badge (both are registered designs).}} {{In order to protect yourself, you are entitled to check that the guide you call on, declared as a freelance worker, is holder of a URSSAF number, authorizing him/her to collect fees and issue invoices.